We walk in the grace of God and in the confusion of the world around us. Making sense of this dynamic is a challenge at the best of times.
In Matthew 13, God likens the Kingdom of Heaven to the man who finds treasure in a field and goes and sells all he has to buy the field and in so doing claims the treasure.
God highlighted this verse for me when I was on the mission field and walking in faith. On so many levels it was beyond hard. God taught me to keep my eyes on the treasure because if I did not all I could see was the barren field that was my life. I had to let go of everything and literally lived out of a suitcase for 10 years as the Holy Spirit taught me how to trust Him.
The barrenness of life can affect us all whether we have or have not.
The barrenness of life can affect us all whether we have or have not.
In Africa while volunteering at a counselling centre I was told the story of a very wealthy businessman who came to our counselling centre for help.
The story goes that he was in his Mercedes Benz waiting at the traffic lights when a man in a Security Guard Uniform pulled up alongside on his bicycle (only means of transport for him) and sat waiting at the traffic lights whistling a happy tune.
“How could that man be more content than me?” He thought, “I have so much, and I feel utterly miserable."
“How could that man be more content than me?” He thought, “I have so much, and I feel utterly miserable." The businessman was a Christian blessed beyond measure with his ability to create wealth and jobs. However, in this moment God showed him something was terribly wrong, and he made the decision to find out how to correct it.
There are times when we don't know what's wrong
There are times when we don’t know what’s wrong and we can sit in that place far too long before we make the decision to seek help to understand what is happening on a deeper level.
What does this have to do with the treasure in the field? Well as Christians we all have access to this treasure (yes even if you have decided not to give everything away). God is in essence offering us an exchange of trust not goods. He’s not bartering with us its not his style. He does not trade as the world does. He is however always offering a better deal because what he offers cannot be taken from you.
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